Take a break from modern life and rejuvenate your mind, body, and soul. Join us in an exclusive experience unencumbered by the sounds (other than the occasional train or plane in the distance), hustle and bustle of our tech-driven lives. Be in the moment, become one in yourself − one in your body and soul. Forget your ego, breathe in the fresh air of the prairie, and listen to the sounds of nature. Take the time to focus on your spirituality.
Deep in northwest Nebraska, Our Heritage Guest Ranch is offering a yoga retreat at a spiritual base located at the connecting point of the Badlands of Nebraska, Pine Ridge Region, and Oglala National Grasslands. This point has been a place of spirituality for not only my family, but also people before us. There sits an 11,000 year-old Native American hearth and the end to a fire, which could have destroyed more than 100 years of our beloved family ranch.
During this retreat, learn methods of alternative medicine, such as essential oils, enjoy a massage from a licensed massage therapist, and rethink a healthy lifestyle with guest speaker Cameron Kolling. He will share his knowledge of eating healthy, exercising, and overall physical and emotional well-being.
Shelby and Cameron Kolling have been competitors in Crossfit as a couple. Cameron played football throughout college. He graduated with a sports medicine degree. He moved into a personal training degree, where he holds 11 certifications from nutrition to pilates. The two of them live the life of good health and are excellent teachers.